Alessandro Mariantoni - Why mentoring matters ?

By Bacely

Salila Sukumaran


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Alessandro Mariantoni


Alessandro Marianantoni is Exec. Director and Founder at M Accelerator in Los Angeles, offering programs to serve the Los Angeles and International Startup ecosystems providing students, early stage and later stage founders with skills to grow their startups.

He has designed and developed projects in different spaces: entertainment, engineering, architecture and healthcare, receiving public and private funding from a number of organizations including: UCLA, Google, Siemens, Marriott, Universal Studios, Disney, Amazon, Italian Government and the City of Pasadena.
Alessandro earned a degree in Computer Science from the University of L’Aquila, with a thesis on perceptual interfaces at the USC Institute for Creative Technology and Integrate Media System Center.

Over the years he has run numerous international programs including summer bootcamps and international research initiatives at UCLA and he is now directing M Accelerator and MEDIARS LLC.



In this episode of Askbacely you’ll be inspired and motived by Alessandro Mariantoni.
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About Bacely YoroBi

Bacely Yorobi is co-founder and CEO of Connectxglobal, a not-profit startup that connects tomorrow's leaders with the world-class organization, former community manager of the Ivorian government, International and Inspirational Speaker, He has severals awards like MIT GSW Fellow 2015, CRANSMONTANA 2015, ICI2014 Startup Awards, Carrefour des Possibles , Fellow DEMO Africa.

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