Carlos Diaz - How to be different with Kindness

By Bacely

Carlos Diaz
This week’s  for my new episode podcast  the guest is Carlos Diaz, A serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in strategic management, Carlos has amassed a successful track record of innovative startup growth. He was ranked 25th in Technikart’s “Top 100 People Who Made 2012” and serves as a board member and advisor to several startups in Silicon Valley. Carlos is also an avid guitar player and rock and roll lover.

“Do you want to be different? Be Kind!”

Carlos Diaz

In this episode of Askbacely you’ll be inspired and motived by Carlos Diaz.
Click here to download to listen and don’t forget to subscribe!

About Bacely YoroBi

Bacely Yorobi is co-founder and CEO of Connectxglobal, a not-profit startup that connects tomorrow's leaders with the world-class organization, former community manager of the Ivorian government, International and Inspirational Speaker, He has severals awards like MIT GSW Fellow 2015, CRANSMONTANA 2015, ICI2014 Startup Awards, Carrefour des Possibles , Fellow DEMO Africa.

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