Duc Ha Duong - The 5 flows of human exchanges

By Bacely

Duc Ha Duong
This week’s  for my new episode podcast  the guest is Duc Ha Duong, a French entrepeneur outsourcing specialist, speaker, and author. In this podcast, you’ll learn what how to be more kind and aware. 
“Leadership is incompatible with the pyramid model ” Duc Ha Duong

Entrepreneur, co-founder of the Officience tribe (a digital services company with 300 employees spread between France and Vietnam), Duc Ha Duong, 42, defines himself as an activist of societal transition. He talks to us about leadership, causes and even treasure chests!

In this episode of Askbacely you’ll be inspired and motived by Duc Ha Duong.
Click here to download to listen and don’t forget to subscribe!

About Bacely YoroBi

Bacely Yorobi is co-founder and CEO of Connectxglobal, a not-profit startup that connects tomorrow's leaders with the world-class organization, former community manager of the Ivorian government, International and Inspirational Speaker, He has severals awards like MIT GSW Fellow 2015, CRANSMONTANA 2015, ICI2014 Startup Awards, Carrefour des Possibles , Fellow DEMO Africa.

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