Guy Kawaski - Wise Guy, Remarkable Guy,and Humble Guy

By Bacely

Guy and Me at SXSW 2018
This week’s  for my new episode podcast  the guest is Guy Kawaski, a American  marketing specialist, speaker, and author. In this podcast, you’ll learn what how to be more wise and humble. 

“Creation is hard,but Curation is easy ” 

Guy Kawasaki

Guy hasn’t invented secular evangelism, but he has popularized it.This dates back to 1983, an his work with Apple’s Macintosh Division.He is currently the chief evangelist of Canva, an online graphic design company from Australia.

The writer of 15 books,these books are textbooks for the finest academic institutions in the world and have been bestsellers for both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. He writes in order to empower and inspire the practical and the tactical.

In this episode of Askbacely you’ll be inspired and motived by Guy Kawaski.
Click here to download to listen and don’t forget to subscribe!

About Bacely YoroBi

Bacely Yorobi is co-founder and CEO of Connectxglobal, a not-profit startup that connects tomorrow's leaders with the world-class organization, former community manager of the Ivorian government, International and Inspirational Speaker, He has severals awards like MIT GSW Fellow 2015, CRANSMONTANA 2015, ICI2014 Startup Awards, Carrefour des Possibles , Fellow DEMO Africa.

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