Helen Bouygues - Why critical thinking matters ?

By Bacely

Helen Bouygues

Helen is one of the most successful women in business transformation. 

“Turning around a company that has gotten off-track is an exercise in critical thinking. Research, analysis, and planning must all be brought to bear in a high-stakes, time-pressured situation.”

Helen Lee Bougues

She has served as interim CEO, CFO, or COO for more than a dozen companies. She is the founder of the Reboot Foundation, a columnist at Forbes, and working on a book on critical thinking.

She created the Reboot Foundation, dedicated to the promotion of critical thinking. In this period of vast technological change, Helen wishes to promote richer and more reflective forms of thinking, at school, at work or in everyday life. Helen Lee Bouygues is one of the most experienced women in the field of business transformation and has held positions of responsibility in more than a dozen companies as CEO, CFO or Director of Operations. Today, she is a member of the board of directors of several major companies and is also the founder of the Reboot Foundation, dedicated to the valorization of critical thinking. This foundation develops practical tools for parents, teachers, employers and anyone else interested in developing critical thinking skills. Helen is currently writing a book on critical thinking. 

s: https://helenleebouygues.com/

In this episode of Askbacely you’ll be inspired and motived by Helen Lee Bouygues.
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About Bacely YoroBi

Bacely Yorobi is co-founder and CEO of Connectxglobal, a not-profit startup that connects tomorrow's leaders with the world-class organization, former community manager of the Ivorian government, International and Inspirational Speaker, He has severals awards like MIT GSW Fellow 2015, CRANSMONTANA 2015, ICI2014 Startup Awards, Carrefour des Possibles , Fellow DEMO Africa.

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